A Python library for structural analysis using the finite element method
- alphacheng
- AmrodSeregonTechnical University of Munich (TUM)
- arch-tu
- aurimasmbCambridge, United Kingdom
- benlai1995
- braunioa
- crmccrearyCRM Engineering Services
- daalgi
- e-dub
- GeomarPerales@CIDIMF
- Ginner
- gmickd
- JJCoding01
- JoseZevallosRConsultor Independiente
- julendraSurabaya
- leslielee619China
- LiAsNH3
- ManosGRNZWellington, New Zealand
- mwhit74
- myao9494Japan
- nagordonCalifornia
- narnerSan Francisco
- nobuyuki83The University of Tokyo
- pwabGermany
- rbnsk
- rfdiazpr49748
- riedelKarlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) , TECO
- rocksonchan
- ryuhey0123Tokyo
- SamotronUK
- sipah00@PumasAI @KRSSG
- tgsdias
- tt6746690MIT
- veiguf
- vimcoper
- xychenchaofanMBEC