
Basic git training for classmates with practical example


Team git training

Benefits of git

Git allows two main things:

  • version control
  • collaboration


You can donwload git from the official site

(Windows)I recommend downloading Cmder a pretty cmd environment that already has git included

Setting up git

After installation, type the following in a cmd console using your own credentials:

$ git config --global user.name "John Doe"
$ git config --global user.email johndoe@example.com

source: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v1/Getting-Started-First-Time-Git-Setup#Your-Identity

If you want to avoid typing your username and password every time, follow the instructions in this link

Downloading training repo

Before, two definitions:

clone: This will create a local copy of the repository you want to work with. Every change (push) that you make will contribute to the original project

fork: This will copy an existing repository into your own github profile. When you update files (push) you will NOT contribute to the original project, but to your own.


  1. go to: https://github.com/JorgeOrozcoP/git_training

  2. Press the green button that says "Clone or download" and copy the link shown

  3. Create a folder to host your git projects mkdir git/

  4. Navigate to that folder and use the command git clone followed by the link that you copied earlier. For this exercise, the complete command is: git clone https://github.com/JorgeOrozcoP/git_training.git

Basic command flow: creating a branch

git checkout -b new-feature upper-branch use this to create a branch and immediately switch to it, copying the upper branch

Basic command flow: commiting a change

git status will show the current status of files

git diff check the modifications just done to your files

git add [file path] will stage a file to be commited

git add --all will stage all modified files to be commited

git commit -m "some message" will commit the staged files. Think of a commit as a 'timestamp'. The staged files will be commited to a specific point in time

git pull origin branch-name before you upload your changes (push) make sure that your branch is up to date

git push origin branch-name upload (push) your changes into the repository