
Automatically deobfuscate JavaScript code 'Protected' with PreEmptive's JSDefender Demo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Deobfuscate PreEmptive's JSDefender Demo

This tool automatically deobfuscates JavaScript code 'Protected' with PreEmptive's JSDefender Demo. Besides variable names and comments which are not recoverable, the resulting code should be a perfect replica of the original code. This makes it easy to analyze the code futher.


Only deobfuscate scripts that you trust, as eval() is used in many places! Consider using a docker container to sandbox it.

This script heavily uses shift-refactor to parse and rewrite the JavaScript code into something more readable. Some operations that are performed:

  • Evaluate decoder functions (eg. MrWM.E9DK(0) -> "log")
  • Simplify literal numeric expressions (eg. 15658734^0O73567354 -> 2)
  • Extract if(), for() and do while() statements from obfuscated control flow
  • Simplify template strings (eg. `${"a"}${"b"}` -> "ab")
  • Simplify booleans (eg. !![] -> true)


git clone https://github.com/JorianWoltjer/deobfuscate-preemptive.git && cd deobfuscate-preemptive
npm i
./deobfuscate.js --help


usage: deobfuscate.js [-h] file

Deobfuscate PreEmptive's JSDefender Demo

positional arguments:
  file        Obfuscated JavaScript file to deobfuscate

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Take the following source code as an example:

console.log('Hello, world!');

Putting it through the obfuscator as a developer would, the result is something like this:

let MrWM;!function(){const QaXH=Array.prototype.slice.
call(arguments);return eval("(function QWHn(zcPf){const bKRf=jWyg(zcPf,
zemg(QWHn.toString()));try{let v7Jf=eval(bKRf);

Save the above file to obfuscated.js, then use the following command to deobfuscate it:

$ ./deobfuscate.js obfuscated.js > deobfuscated.js

Decoders name: LQlS
Setup args name: QaXH
Found 43 decoders
=== Done deobfuscating, writing result! ===

Now, see deobfuscated.js for what should be a close replica of the original source code:

console.log("Hello, world!");


Some advanced JavaScript features such as optional chaining (?.) and nullish coalescing (??) are not supported by the version of Shift. When receiving errors about these pieces of syntax, consider patching them to something else temporarely.