考试内容 / Overview
访问考试内容仓库 ,然后将仓库 fork 到 GitHub 个人账户下。克隆 fork 后的仓库进行答题。
Access the repository of examination - URL: https://github.com/Linux101/C2016_exam, fork the repository to your GitHub account. Clone the forked repository, starting the examination.
考试内容分为以下题目 / Content of examination including following questions:
- Ubuntu Apt 源配置 / Setting of Ubuntu apt sources.list
- Ubuntu Apt 命令 / Ubuntu apt commands
- Linux 下 C 编程 / C programming on Linux
- 协作式翻译 / Translating by cooperating
注:需要为每个题目都新建一个分支,在新分支下完成答题。答题完成后将答案提交回个人仓库,并将每个答案分支都提交 PR(Pull request)回考试内容仓库。
Note: Your MUST answer every question in a new branch. After committing the answer to the forked repository, do PR(Pull request) the branch to the original examination repository.