Virtual Hypixel


What is virtual-hypixel?

This is a small program intended to improve gameplay on hypixel! It comes with a bunch of features such as packet filtering, auto-queue-dodging and more.

How do I use it?

To use it, you need to clone this repo to your computer (or just download it as a zip). Make sure you have NodeJS and TypeScript installed. Once it's downloaded, run: npm i and then tsc. After the code is compiled, all you have to do is setup your private_config.json. Then, to start the program run cd ./src and node ./tests.js.


Rename config.json to private_config.json. Here are the most important fields:


Settings for your account
Name Value
email The email of your MC account*
password The password of your MC account*
auth Account type, mojang / microsoft
hypixelApiKey Your Hypixel API Key


Settings for packets
Name Value
enableMods true or false, re-enables disabled mods (freelook, etc.)
particles true or false, true -> filter out all particles sent by the server
rockets WIP feature, does nothing for now.


Settings for the autododge module
Name Value
shouldDodge true or false, enables / disables autododge
dodge JSON object of dodging rules, see below for examples


Settings for the stream moderation module
Name Value
enabled true or false, enables / disabled streamMod
spam JSON object of rules to deal with spam, see below

JSON Object examples


  "autododge": {
    "shouldDodge": true,
    "dodge": {
      "DUELS_SUMO_DUEL": {
        "wins": 1000,
        "ws": 50,
        "wlr": 4

This would make the program dodge anyone in sumo duels that has:

  • 1000 wins
  • A 50 winstreak or
  • A w/l ratio of 4 or higher

Here you can see the structure of these dodging rules. They're a simple object with the key being the mode, such as DUELS_SUMO_DUEL or DUELS_CLASSIC_DUEL, and the value being key-value set of criteria. Alternatively to the mode, you can write ALL as the key, and the rules will apply for all modes. Modes can be found in statsObject.ts.


  "enabled": true,
  "spam": {
    "limit": 5,
    "warncount": 3,
    "actions": ["/p kick "]
Name Value
limit After how many messages it is considered spam. Message count reduced by one every 0.5s
warncount How many warnings will be sent
actions List of commands to run after the warnings

*Don't worry, the program will not send your login information to anyone! If you want to make sure for yourself, you can search through your downloaded copy for all occurrences of email and password, and you'll see that they're only used for the initial login to hypixel.