Project title

"PCAT R56-End of the Project Report"

Brief project overview

  1. Our study considers the child and parent within a single interactive system and employs a developmentally-informed approach to understanding the role of the dyad in child psychopathology at the behavioral, psychophysiological, and neural levels.
  2. Rather than examining parenting behavior as a higher-order construct (i.e., relying chiefly on parenting questionnaires), we examine moment-to-moment dyadic processes, both during active interactions and emotion modeling.
  3. Our study is multi-modal in nature, employing cutting-edge technology to investigate the brain (fNIRS) and behavior (MET, behavioral coding) to probe multi-level influences of parent-to-child transmission.
  4. Our study included both mothers and fathers. Child-focused studies generally have overwhelming maternal participation. By screening both parents when available and recruiting the parent with the higher level of anxiety, we will increase the recruitment of fathers. Our initial analyses can probe for initial signals of sex-linked differences, which has been designated as an area of need in pediatric research. Including both mothers and fathers will help to generalize parenting findings to both parents.
  5. We examined anxiety transmission crossectionally, including children from four main age groups from early to middle childhood: 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-year-olds. This is an ideal intervention window in which symptoms emerge but is often prior to psychiatric diagnosis.


Joscelin Rocha-Hidalgo, Dakota Reis, Harmony Nguyen, Emily Hurtado, ... Susan Serlman& Koraly E. Pérez-Edgar

Repository overview

|--| documentation
|--------| project-documentation.pdf
|--------| data-dictionary.csv
|--| data
|--------| raw
|-------------------| PCATR56_DATA_2023-04-18_1139raw.csv
|--------| tidy
|-------------------| primary_sample_data_long.csv
|-------------------| primary_sample_data_wide.csv
|-------------------| secondary_sample_data_long.csv
|-------------------| secondary_sample_data_wide.csv
|--| scripts
|--------| primary_parent_sample
|-------------------| 01_tidy.Rmd
|-------------------| 02_primary_sample_report.Rmd
|-------------------| 02_primary_sample_report.pdf
|--------| secondary_parent_sample
|-------------------| 01_tidy.Rmd
|-------------------| 02_secondary_sample_report.Rmd
|-------------------| 02_secondary_sample_report.pdf
|--| output
|--------| figures
|--------| tables\

Applicable instructions

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Additional resources

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