
CRACO utilities for running the CRACO pipeling

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Python utilities for the CRACO project


This will be on pyPI in future. For now do:

Before you start: Make sure you have no old virtualenvs enabled or any CRAFT or other packages in your $PYTHONPATH environment variable

# Create a virtual env if you don't have one already - note we need python3.6 for XRT compatibility - this will be improved in future
python3.6 -m venv venv --prompt craco
source venv/bin/activate

# Install craco-python directly from github
pip install https://github.com/askap-craco/craco-python.git

To install for development

If you want to develop craco-python then it's best to clone the repository and install it as "editable" with PIP.

If you make any changes to the python files, it should be reflected immediately when you run another command.

If you change the package (e.g. add dependancies or change setup.py) you'll need to run pip install -e . again.

# clone the repository
gh repo clone https://github.com/askap-craco/craco-python.git
cd craco-python

# Create a virtual env if you don't have one already
python3.6 -m venv venv --prompt craco

# Activate the virtualenv.
source venv/bin/activate

# Install craco-python as "editable" - this means you don't have to install every time you make a change
pip install -e .

Install dependent

requirements.txt should has most dependent packages.

We also need to install Python modules from realtime_pipeline repository.

# clone the repository
git clone https://gitlab.atnf.csiro.au:8443/craft/realtime_pipeline.git

# and then
cd realtime_pipeline/python/

# with a python3.6 virtual enviroment, then 
pip install -e .

To run the test suite

It uses pytest to find and run tests. It uses the addopts = --doctest-modules is in the pytest.ini file, so it will also find and execute doctests if you have them.

This also creates a coverage report xml for use in glatb.ci

python setup.py test

To view test coverage

We use coverage.py

python -m pytest --cov-report html --cov craco tests

# And open htmlcov/index.html

Command-line Utilities

corrsim - Simulates the ASKAP Correlator CRACO output

This script reads a simulated FRB UVFITS file (produced elsewhere), and sends UDP packets conforming to the Correlator packet specification to the destination supplied.

Example Usage

$ corrsim  /data/craco/ban115/test_data/frb_d0_t0_a1_sninf_lm00/frb_d0_t0_a1_sninf_lm00.fits -d -b 3 -p 0,1 --nloops 1
Filename: /data/craco/ban115/test_data/frb_d0_t0_a1_sninf_lm00/frb_d0_t0_a1_sninf_lm00.fits
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY       1 GroupsHDU      102   (3, 1, 256, 1, 1)   float32   3230 Groups  5 Parameters
  1  AIPS AN       1 BinTableHDU     63   20R x 12C   [8A, 3D, 0D, 1J, 1J, 1E, 1A, 1E, 3E, 1A, 1E, 3E]   
INFO:root:Sending data from /data/craco/ban115/test_data/frb_d0_t0_a1_sninf_lm00/frb_d0_t0_a1_sninf_lm00.fits to with beamID=3 and polID=[0, 1] tsamp=1728us
INFO:root:First time is UTC=2020-10-15T04:26:47.160285+00:00 utc_back=2020-10-15 04:26:49.160285+00:00 dutc=37 bat=0x12270531c5d51d jd=44117.685268 
Sent 8704 packets

Command line help:

$ corrsim -h
usage: corrsim [-h] -d DESTINATION [-b BEAMID] [-p POLID] [-t TSAMP] [-v]
               [-n NLOOPS]

Simulate the ASKAP Correlator in CRACO mode

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Desintation UDP adddress:port e.g. localhost:1234
                        (default: None)
  -b BEAMID, --beamid BEAMID
                        Beamid to put in headers, 0-35 (default: 0)
  -p POLID, --polid POLID
                        PolIDs. If input file has 1 polarisation, it
                        duplicates it with given pol IDs (default: [0, 1])
  -t TSAMP, --tsamp TSAMP
                        Sampling interval in microseconds (default: 1728)
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose (default: False)
  -n NLOOPS, --nloops NLOOPS
                        Number of times to loop through the file (default: 1)

API Documentation

API Documentation can be found [https://craft-group.gitlab.io/craco-python/]