Professional tinkerer, part-time nerd, full-time geek.
This is a summary of my projects on GitHub.
A sort of appendix to my main website:
impracticalpythonprojects is the first Python programming resource that got its own repo. They're example implementations of the practice and challenge projects in Impractical Python Projects.
The practice and challenge projects are truly impractical, but they teach useful data analysis and processing techniques.
The repo showcases more intermediate Python conventions and modules like:
- extensive testing with
, and Travis-CI. - 100% code coverage with
. - linting with
. - documentation with
and the usual Google-style docstrings, pip requirements files, and main functions.
ClashCaller Bot helps /r/ClashOfClans clans coordinate attacks during Clan Wars (or Clan War Leagues) from within reddit.
It uses Python and the PRAW libraries to interface with the reddit API to scan comments for a string, save parts of the string to a MySQL/MariaDB database, then automatically send replies via PM and comment.
The Docs offer more details about usage, installation, and frequently asked questions.
It's been about 4 years, but I'm actually starting to get random e-mails from people that scrape GitHub. So far, they're super-generic, "I'm _____ from"
Gravity Falls is a good TV show. You can e-mail me a rebuttal, if you want. Either way, it'll show you've at least read this far.
I like to think of it as a simple implementation of a CAPTCHA: not necessary, but I'll question reality without it.
python-tutorials is a collection of resources to learn the Python programming language. Resources include books and online courses.
This repo became very nested very quickly, so newer resource materials I use have their own repo (like impracticalpythonprojects). For more information about this repo, check out the Docs.
The Docs also include information about configuring a Python environment/IDE.
automatepracticeprojects is one of the resources from python-tutorials that got its own repo. They're example implementations of the practice projects in Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. It showcases basic Python conventions like pip requirements files and Google-style docstrings.
Honestly, the version in the python-tutorials repo's Docs is better.