
My personal GitHub Readme profile

Hello human 😎

I'm a normal human being (or not 👽) and I create software.

Most of my time I was in front of a computer creating side-projects, learning new things or Just watching on Netflix 🍿.

I'm currently working on Estilo Bantu (not a technological product). A clothes brand where our main focus is to show African (bantu's) cultural side and in other side showing some modern styles.

Open Source projects:

  • Give Blood

    A social network for blood donors and blood banks to stay connected

  • Fimba Bot

    A discord bot for an software developer community a contributed to

  • Fullstack Jobs (:bug: API only)

    A job boards for fullstack position. The Jobs actually comes from a third services (scraped and saved to a database)

  • Sales Panel (:bug: not finished)

    A dashboard for sales management

José Cage's Dev Card