
Central hub for essential notes on ongoing projects and core programming concepts, notably OOP in JavaScript. Dive in for quick references, foundational principles, and periodic updates. Your go-to resource for clarity and knowledge refresh!

📚 My Technical Notes Repository

Welcome to my notes repository! This is where I compile and share my understanding of various technical topics I am currently exploring. From Object-Oriented Programming concepts like Polymorphism to deep dives into JavaScript, you'll find a curated collection of my learning journey.

📖 What's Inside?

  • OOP Concepts: Delve into the foundations of Object-Oriented Programming with notes on Polymorphism and more.
  • JavaScript: Detailed notes and code snippets on essential concepts from sources like "Eloquent JavaScript".
  • Project Breakdowns: Insights into projects I've tackled, such as the NASA API Picture Fetcher.

🤓 How to Navigate

Each topic or project has its dedicated Markdown file. For example:

  • Polymorphism.md: Notes on the polymorphism concept in OOP.
  • EloquentJS_Chapter6.md: A deep dive into Chapter 6 of "Eloquent JavaScript".
  • NASA_API_PictureFetcher.md: An outline and breakdown of the NASA API Picture Fetcher project.

Feel free to explore, and I hope you find these notes helpful!

💡 Note: If you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.