Wu-Tang Name Generator

This Wu-Tang Name Generator application provides a fun and interactive way for users to generate their own Wu-Tang Clan name based on their preferences.



Client-Side JavaScript

The client-side JavaScript is responsible for capturing user input, making a request to the server, and updating the webpage with the generated Wu-Tang name.

document.querySelector("#clickMe").addEventListener("click", makeReq);

function makeReq() {
	let q1 = document.getElementById("q1").value;
	let q2 = document.getElementById("q2").value;
	let q3 = document.getElementById("q3").value;
	let q4 = document.getElementById("q4").value;
	let q5 = document.getElementById("q5").value;

		.then((response) => response.json())
		.then((data) => {
			document.querySelector("#personName").textContent = data.result;

This script adds an event listener to a button, gathers the user's answers from dropdown menus, sends a fetch request to the server, and updates the webpage with the result.

Server-Side JavaScript - Name Generation Function

The server-side JavaScript includes a function named generator, which is responsible for generating the Wu-Tang name based on the user's answers to the questions.

function generator(q1, q2, q3, q4, q5) {
	const combinations = {
		// ... (all other combinations)
		dragongreennychicagopaintingtaco: "Verdant Dragon",
		tigerbluechicagodancingpizza: "Azure Tiger",
		dragonredchicagoplayingMusicburger: "Crimson Dragon",
		snakebluechicagopaintingtaco: "Sapphire Serpent",
		tigerpurplelosAngelesdancingburger: "Amethyst Tiger",

	const name = combinations[`${q1}${q2}${q3}${q4}${q5}`];
	return name || "Childish Gambino"; // Default name if no match is found

The generator function takes five parameters: q1, q2, q3, q4, and q5, each corresponding to the user's answers to the five questions in the form.

Inside the function, there is an object named combinations that holds a series of key-value pairs. Each key is a string concatenating the possible answers for the five questions, and each value is the corresponding Wu-Tang name. For example, the key "dragongreennychicagopaintingtaco" corresponds to choosing "Dragon" for the favorite animal, "Green" for the color, "NYC" for the city, "Painting" for the hobby, and "Taco" for the food, resulting in the Wu-Tang name "Verdant Dragon".

The function then attempts to find a Wu-Tang name based on the user's answers by concatenating the parameters and using the resulting string to look up a value in the combinations object. If a match is found, the corresponding Wu-Tang name is returned. If no match is found, the default name "Childish Gambino" is returned.

This approach ensures that the application can generate a unique Wu-Tang name for a wide variety of answer combinations, providing a fun and personalized experience for the user.

The server-side JavaScript handles the request, generates the Wu-Tang name based on the answers provided, and sends the result back to the client.

else if (page == "/api") {
	if (
		"q1" in params &&
		"q2" in params &&
		"q3" in params &&
		"q4" in params &&
		"q5" in params
	) {
		res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" });
		let wuTangNameGen = generator(
		const objToJson = {
			result: wuTangNameGen,
	} else {
		res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" });
		const objToJson = {
			name: "Please Answer all the questions",

This script includes a function to generate a Wu-Tang name based on specific combinations of answers and the server endpoint to handle the generation request.


The HTML form provides a user-friendly interface for inputting preferences to generate a Wu-Tang name.

<div class="select-group">
	<label for="q1">Choose your favorite animal:</label>
	<select id="q1">
		<option value="tiger">Tiger</option>
		<option value="dragon">Dragon</option>
		<option value="snake">Snake</option>

<!-- Repeat for other questions -->

<div class="select-group">
	<label for="q5">Choose a food:</label>
	<select id="q5">
		<option value="pizza">Pizza</option>
		<option value="burger">Burger</option>
		<option value="taco">Taco</option>

Each dropdown menu corresponds to a different question, allowing users to select their preferences.


Developing the Wu-Tang Name Generator was a fantastic learning experience in integrating client-side interactions with server-side logic. It showcased the power of JavaScript both in the browser and on the server, creating a fun and interactive application.