
Solidity project to manage company Budgets and Expenses contributed by different departments.

Technology stack:

  • Javascript: language to create some base UI and test tasks
  • React: used with Javascript to create the UI to interact with Ethereum through Web3
  • Web3: used to perform communication actions from/to javascript from/to Ethereum
  • Solidity: Ethereum contracts language
  • Metamask: Chrome plugin to manage the accounts
  • Infura: used to access the first nodes of the Rinkeby network.
  • Ganache: local network to launch the Unit/Integration tests of the Solidity contracts
  • Mocha: framework to execute the Unit/Integration test cases
  • Node: environment used to launch the Javascript tasks
  • Truffle: basic usage for testing purposes
  • Semantic-ui: UI Tools for React to create nice UIs
  • Next-routes: routing tool to perform navigation operations in the React project and share data

Usage and deployment:

Raffle notes:

  • install metamask Chrome plugin to manage accounts

  • sudo npm install -g truffle (installs truffle)

  • npm install --save solc (installs solidity compiler)

  • node compile.js (executes the js file)

  • npm install --save ganache-cli mocha solc fs-extra web3@1.0.0-beta.26

  • npm run test (executs the mocha tests in the test folder)

  • npm install --save truffle-hdwallet-provider (installs provider to acces first node in Network).Note: we found an issue related to the last versions of truffle that performs a huge amount of gas and in some cases the deployment will return an "UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: error: the contract couldn't be stored, please check your gas limit". In that case uninstall the last version of the truffle-hdwallet-provider and use 0.0.3 with:

  • npm uninstall truffle-hdwallet-provider

  • npm install --save truffle-hdwallet-provider@0.0.3

  • node deploy.js (executes deploy and returns the contract address)

## React:

  • npm install --save next@4.1.4 react react-dom
  • npm run dev (makes the server available in http://localhost:3000/show)
  • npm install --save semantic-ui-react (installs the code)
  • npm install --save semantic-ui-css (installs the css, it can be also linked in each page as an alternative)
  • npm install --save next-routes (includes routes.js inside the project to map the routes to URLs)