
A simple REST API made with FastAPI for learning purposes.

Primary LanguagePython

Platzi - Twitter API

This project is part of the course "Curso de FastAPI: Modularización, Datos Avanzados y Errores " of "Platzi"

Table of Contents:


This is project is a simple REST API made with FastAPI for learning purposes.


Features included:

  • Data modeling with pydantic.
  • Data validation.
  • CRUD of users.
  • CRUD of Tweets.
  • SQLAlchemy (MYSQL)
  • Docker dev environment
  • JWT Authentication
  • FastAPI Router
  • MyPY


  • Python >= 3.6
  • Docker and Docker Compose (Optionally)


  1. Clone or download de repository:

    $ git clone https://github.com/JoseNoriegaa/platzi-twitter-api-fastapi
  2. Open the console inside the project directory and create a virtual environment (You can skip this step if you have docker installed).

    $ python3 -m venv venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install the app (You can skip this step if you have docker installed)

    (venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Run it locally

Copy the env.example file into the same directory with the name .env

$ cp ./env.example ./.env

With docker

  1. Run it with Docker Compose.
docker-compose up

Without docker

  1. Configure the environment variables into the .env.
# App
SECRET_KEY=rVsvupYHUbAgOGNMw0ytII_7tkn_iWkBhktVR_i3Tg8=  # You can leave this dev key as is.
DEBUG=True  # If DEBUG = True, the reload option of uvicorn will be enabled
PORT=8000  # Server port

# Database
DATABASE_URL=mysql+pymysql://${YOUR_USER}:${YOUR_PASSWORD}@${HOST}:${PORT}/${DATABASE NAME}  # Configure your database credentials here.
  1. Run the server.
$ python3 main.py

Basic Usage

Once you are running the server open the Swagger UI App to checkout the API documentation.