
WIP! Parses and renders TORCS game tracks

Primary LanguageJavaScript


I got frustrated with the GUI and limitations of the track editor that comes bundled with TORCS. After using it a bit and reading the scarse documentation on the format, I tried to render existing tracks with JS and rendering it to a canvas in the browser. Once the basic rendering looked OK, started to implement a form based editor.

This editor should work just as well for editing speend dreams maps (that's my target game in the end).

Tentative Roadmap

  • fix segment form layout with an overflow to allow scrolling
  • support zoom centered of selected segment
  • try to correct precision issues (most tracks don't end closed as they should, probably due to curve interpolation misinterpretation of something)


  • I know the bg only appears after 2 redraw. it keeps the code much simpler O:)
  • once basic attributes are taken care of I may support other ones (z, slope, etc)


Would love to hear from you. Do you find it useful altogether? Struggling points, suggestions, etc.