This repository contains all the project tasks of Holberton School higher level programing program, through intensive session codes during foundations program to have solid skills with Javascript and Python.
This repository contains projects on the Python programming and javascript language. The projects cover:
- If, else, elif
- Loops (while, for)
- Modules
- Data structures
- Exceptions
- Classes and objects
- Tests development
- If, else, elif
- Loops (while, for)
- Modules
- Data structures
- Exceptions
- Classes and objects
- Promises
- Consuming APIS
- Callbacks
- Prototypes
- 0x00. Python - Hello, World
- 0x01. Python - if/else, loops, functions
- 0x02. Python - import & modules
- 0x03. Python - Data Structures: Lists, Tuples
- 0x04. Python - More Data Structures: Set, Dictionary
- 0x05. Python - Exceptions
- 0x06. Python - Classes and Objects
- 0x07. Python - Test-driven development
- 0x08. Python - More Classes and Objects
- 0x09. Python - Everything is object
- 0x0A. Python - Inheritance
- 0x0B. Python - Input/Output
- 0x0C. Python - Almost a circle
- 0x0D. SQL - SQL Introduction
- 0x0F. Python - Object relational mapping
- 0x10. Python - Python Network
- 0x11. Python - Python Network 1
- 0x12. Javascript - Javascript warm up
- 0x13. Javascript - Javascript objects and closures
- 0x14. Javascript - Javascript web scrapping
Jose Alonso Restrepo Vidal - twitter @JoseAlonsoRV - LinkedIn Jose Alonso Restrepo Vidal