Welcome to the ECDSA_fhe repository! Here you will find a Fully Homomorphic Encryption ECDSA signing implementation for the secp256k1 curve.

The provided FHE signing function takes as inputs:

  • A cleartext message of 32 bytes (that should be a hash)
  • An encrypted private key
  • An encrypted nonce modular inverse
  • And the cleartext nonce curve point R (only x coordinate)

And produces as output the encrypted s component of the signature, which is computed as:

s = ((private key * R + message) * nonce^-1) mod N

Where N is the order of the generator point, a 256-bit prime number.

N = 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337

Once the client decrypts s, the resulting signature is the pair of values R, s.

This program should be run with cargo run --release. Also make sure to add the correct dependency to the Cargo.toml file depending on your computer architecture:

tfhe = { version = "0.3.x", features = ["boolean", "x86_64-unix"] }

tfhe = { version = "0.3.x", features = ["boolean", "aarch64-unix"] }

Notes about pre-computed values

Our homomorphic ECDSA implementation doesn't cover elliptic curve operations, used for the public key computation. Therefore, the nonce curve point R is pre-computed on the client side (in the clear).

The second pre-computed value is the nonce modular inverse, which can be efficiently computed using Fermat's Little Theorem:

a^(p-1) ≡ 1 mod p, where p is prime and a is not multiple of p.

We multiply both sides by a^-1 and get: a^-1 ≡ a^(p-2) mod p. We can solve this using the fast exponentiation method.

In other words we can compute the nonce modular inverse as: nonce^(N-2) mod N. This is very fast in cleartext, but in FHE it would require many homomorphic multiplications and reductions which makes it impractical (the program would be orders of magnitude slower).

For a detailed explanation of the program see our tutorial. You can also find a simple integer implementation of ECDSA here.