
Coding Assignment for BH RA Application - NLP for tweet sentiment classification

Primary LanguagePython


Coding Assignment for BH RA Application - NLP for tweet sentiment classification. We build a simple pipeline to process tweets and create binary classification models.

A requirements.txt is available to set up a clean environment. After that, running main.sh should recreate the results.

The repo is structured as follows:

  • 01_Data/: This directory contains the dataset files used for training and testing the models.
    • Raw: Contains the raw datasets as downloaded from Kaggle
    • Processed: Contains processed training, validation and testing datasets
  • 02_Code/: This directory contains the source code for the tweet processing pipeline and classification models.
    • data_prep.py: Contains the pipeline to clean the dataset, generate features and create training, validation and testing sets
    • modeling.py: Contains pipeline to fit and evaluate models
    • main.sh: Orchestrator that runs the rest of the scripts
    • generate_report_figures.py: Small script to generate graph based on results
  • 03_Results/: This folder stores the final report, as well as the figures and tables that feed it
    • Report.md: Final report on project
    • Other figures and csv
  • 04_Notebooks: Empty, used it to store scratchpad notebooks