Home page

✔️ ToDo List

📚 About

This project's main objective is to build a small application of a to-do list and training a little more about state manipulation in React.

🔧 Application features

  • Add a new task: It must be possible to add a new task in the task state with the fields id which must be generated randomly, a title which must be text and isComplete which must start as false.
  • Remove a task: You must receive an ID by parameter and remove the task that contains that ID from the state.
  • Mark and unmark a task as completed: You must change the status of isComplete for a task with a specific ID that is received by parameter.

🎨 Layout

Home page

🔨 Tecnologies

  • React.js
  • Typescript
  • Yarn
  • SCSS
  • Webpack

🔧 Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone git@github.com:Joseane-Guedes/ignite-reactjs-challenge01.git

Go to the project directory

  cd ignite-reactjs-challenge01

Install dependencies

  yarn install

Start the server

  yarn dev 

📕 License

Released in 2021 📕 License

This project is under the MIT license.

Made with 💜 by Rocketseat 🚀 and Joseane Guedes 👩‍💻