
Tech Challenge 2 - Grupo 30 - BlogNews

Primary LanguageC#




Techical Stack

  • ASP.NET Core 6.0 (with .NET 7.0)
  • ASP.NET WebApi Core
  • ASP.NET Identity Core
  • Entity Framework Core
  • .NET Core Native DI
  • MediatR
  • Swagger UI
  • SQL Azure
  • xUnit
  • Moq
  • Fluent Assertions
  • Fixture

Design Patterns

  • Domain Driven Design
  • CQRS
  • Unit Of Work
  • Repository & Generic Repository
  • Inversion of Control / Dependency injection
  • ORM
  • Mediator
  • Specification Pattern
  • Options Pattern

How to run

  • For Visual Studio: Select profile > Run (F5)
  • For VSCode: Select configuration > Run (F5)
  • For Terminal:
dotnet build src\TC.GrupoTrinta.BlogNews.Api\TC.GrupoTrinta.BlogNews.Api.csproj
dotnet run --project src\TC.GrupoTrinta.BlogNews.Api\TC.GrupoTrinta.BlogNews.Api.csproj --launch-profile http
dotnet watch --project src\TC.GrupoTrinta.BlogNews.Api\TC.GrupoTrinta.BlogNews.Api.csproj run


Unit tests are designed to validate small pieces of code, which can involve domain validations, method validations, or, more broadly, class validations.

  • Run the tests: dotnet test


The tests were conceived using the xUnit Test framework, created by James Newkirk, who was also responsible for the development of NUnit v2. Additionally, in conjunction with Fake, a specialized library for providing mock data, we will use it to share data between the test methods and classes in the test project.

The tests cover the following scenarios:

  1. Confirma se um título com o tamanho máximo permitido (255 caracteres) é validado com sucesso
  2. Lança uma exceção se a data de publicação for anterior à data atual
  3. Testa se um título com menos de 5 caracteres lança uma exceção de domínio
  4. Título com mais de 255 caracteres lança uma exceção de domínio
  5. Verifica se um título com o tamanho mínimo permitido (5 caracteres) é validado com sucesso



docker build -t blognews-docker-image .
docker run -it --rm -p 3000:80 --env ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development --name blopnews-docker-container blognews-docker-image
docker run -dp 3000:80 --env ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development --name blognews-docker-container blognews-docker-image

Docker Compose

docker-compose -f docker-compose-integration.yml up

Swagger (Dev env only)

Swagger (Publish Azure - Web App Service)

Use the Azure CLI

Connect Azure Account

Az login

Create image (Azure Container Registry new repository - CLI)

az acr build --image blognews:v1 --registry acrgrupotrinta --file Dockerfile .

Create Container (Azure instance - CLI)

az container create --name blognews --image acrgrupotrinta.azurecr.io/blognews:v1 --ip-address public -g grupotrinta-fiap -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development --ports 80 443