
A Jekyll-website and a repository containing all research results about the German composer August Högn (1978-1961).

Primary LanguageTeX

A Jekyll-website and a repository containing all research results about the German composer August Högn (1978-1961).

The main location of the website is at http://august-hoegn.tk. A mirror of the site is located at http://josef-friedrich.github.io/august-hoegn.

To compile the Jekyll based website install docker and run:



  • archives (Dokumente)
  • compostions (Kompositionen)
  • correspondence (Korrespondenz)
  • historical_works (Heimatkundliche Werke)
  • interviews (Interviews)
  • photos (Fotos)

Data files

  • arrangements (Arrangements)
  • guestbook (Gästebuch)
  • receptions (Rezepierte Werke)
  • thanks (Dank)

Folder structure

├ life
│ ├ biography (Kurzbiographie)
│ ├ personal-data-sheet (Tabellarischer Lebenslauf)
│ └ photos (Fotos)
│   ├ hoegn (Fotos mit August Högn)
│   │ ├ portrait (Portrait-Fotos)
│   │ ├ group (Gruppen-Fotos)
│   │ └ relatives (Verwandte)
│   ├ historical (Historische Fotos)
│   │ ├ church (Pfarrkirche)
│   │ ├ school (Volksschule)
│   │ └ ruhmannsfelden (Ruhmannsfelden)
│   └ today (Aktuelle Fotos)
│     └ gravesite (Grabstätten)
├ works
│ ├ compositions (Kompositionen)
│ │ ├ recordings (Aufnahmen)
│ │ ├ find-spot (Fundorte)
│ │ ├ arrangements (Arrangements)
│ │ └ receptions (Rezipierte Werke)
│ └ historical-works (Heimatkundliche Werke)
└ project
  ├ exploration (Forschung)
  │ ├ documents (Dokumente)
  │ │ └ find-spot (Fundorte)
  │ ├ interviews (Interviews)
  │ └ correspondence (Korrespondenz)
  ├ publications (Publikationen)
  │ ├ approval-work (Zulassungsarbeit)
  │ ├ book-mozart (Buch „Der Mozart von Ruhmannsfelden“)
  │ ├ score-missa-josephi (Noten „Josephi-Messe“)
  │ └ copies (Kopien in geringer Stückzahl)
  │   ├ compositions (Kompositionen)
  │   ├ historical-works (Heimatkundliche Werke)
  │   └ manuscripts (Faksimilieausgabe der Manuskripte)
  └ background (Hintergrund)
    ├ website (Über diese Website)
    │ ├ table-of-contents (Inhaltsverzeichnis)
    │ ├ links (Linksammlung)
    │ ├ guestbook (Gästebuch)
    │ ├ imprint (Impressum)
    │ └ contact (Kontakt)
    └ thanks (Dank)

To do:

  • Link musescore files
  • Link recordings
  • Fill empty landing pages with content
    • /life/
    • /project/exploration/
    • /project/publications/
    • /project/background/
  • LaTeX conversion "Der Mozart von Ruhmannsfelden"
  • LaTeX conversion "Zulassungsarbeit"
  • Integrate "Über den Bergen" into compositions
  • Add all photos to repository
  • Link all photos with wikicommons