
pipermail-listfetch is a Python script for downloading mailing list archives off pipermail.


  • Python 3 (You do not need latest 3.10, you should be able to use older versions without issues)
  • BeautifulSoup 4
  • LXML
  • Requests

You can install the needed libraries with pip3:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


(arguments in [ ] are not required)

./pipermail-listfetch.py mailing-list [--wait 1.5]

Example: ./pipermail-listfetch.py http://lists.dillo.org/pipermail/dillo-dev/ --wait 2.0

What's pipermail?

Pipermail is the default web archive interface for GNU Mailman, a mailing list software. With it, you can browse a mailing list with just your web browser.