
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Export Notion pages and subpages to a GitHub repo on a schedule (eg. to be used as a scheduled backup)


  1. Click on the green "Use this template" button at the top to make your own copy of this repository - make sure to choose "Private" visibility, unless you want to make your Notion content visible to the public
  2. Under Settings -> Actions -> General -> Workflow, scroll down to the Workflow Permissions section and select Read and write permissions (this is to allow the Actions workflow to write your Notion content to your repo)
  3. Under Settings -> Secrets and Variables -> Actions, create a new repository secret called NOTION_TOKEN with the instructions in this article
  4. Edit index.ts to add the Notion pages you want to export to the blocks array at the top of the file
  5. Optional: Edit index.ts to specify a different export format, time zone or locale
  6. Optional: Edit .github/workflows/export-notion-blocks-and-commit.yml to specify a different schedule (default is once per day)
  7. After the Export Notion Blocks and Commit to Git workflow has run, your backup will have been committed to your GitHub repo in the exports folder! 🙌


The GitHub Actions workflow is scheduled to run once a day to:

  1. export each specified Notion block
  2. wait until each export is done
  3. download, unzip and commit the content from each export to the repository


This script is heavily based on notion-guardian, thanks to @richartkeil!