
Eco Explore Api an exploration and travel Service

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Eco Explore Api an exploration and travel Service


You need install all requeriments for develop the api


  • Python >= 3.11
  • Poetry

then copy the application.ini from the build.config folder into your src folder, and add all keys for develop.

After that can install al dependencies of the api

Change your current path to the src dir and Install depencencies using poetry

poetry install 

How to Run in Development Mode

  1. Enter to the poetry shell for containerized enviroment
poetry shell 
  1. Run the project using uvicorn this command will launch uvicorn inside poetry environment, this project already have Swagger installed for apy test, dont need another tool for test the API
poetry run uvicorn eco_explore_api.routes:app --reload