
Contains code from most of Javidx9s ConsoleGameEngine videos that is ported to olcPixelGameEngine

Primary LanguageC++


Contains code that is ported from most of Javidx9s olcConsoleGameEngine videos to olcPixelGameEngine

Being a fan of Javidx9 I implemented most of his videos. In 2017 he developed the olcConsoleGameEngine (CGE for short) as a Windows console based platform for game, concept and algorithm development. In 2018 the olcPixelGameEngine (PGE) v. 1.0 was introduced, and the emphasis in the videos shifted to development on the PGE.

In January 2022 the CGE was deprecated and is no longer supported. It is still possible to follow the CGE based videos and doing the implementation on the deprecated CGE platform, but you can also do the implementation on the newer, much more feature rich, cross platform and supported PGE.

I implemented most of the CGE videos on the CGE platform, and ported these implementations to the newer PGE platform afterwards. To help anyone who wants to follow these CGE based videos I decided to upload all these ports. I also put a cheat sheet that describes how to port from CGE to PGE yourself if you want.

The original code is there as well, but I took the liberty to outcomment the "using namespace std;" lines wherever I found them, and correct with scope resolution operators where necessary. You can recognize the code based on the CGE platform by the CGE in the file name. The file having the PGE in the name is the ported version of the code. I find it convenient to have them together to enable easy comparison of both versions.

Note: There are also a few programs that were developed for the bare Windows console originally (Snake, CaveDiver, Tetris and the first version of the First Person Shooter). This code is also included in this repo: I ported these programs to the ConsoleGameEngine first, and from there to the PixelGameEngine. The original (Windows console) versions can be identified by the CON in the file names.

I'm having no licence or copyright on this code whatsoever - the original GNU GPLv3 license of the original creator applies and is there in each of the code files as they were in the originals.

In the header comment I added a little summary of the adaptations I did per file.

Have fun with it!
