Facebook™ Comment Cleaner (Chrome Extension)


The Facebook™ Comment Cleaner allows users to cleanse their newsfeed by hiding comments which primarily contain tagged friends or contain few words. This makes funny/interesting/useful comments easier to identify, especially in comment sections where sorting by relevance is not an option. The "cleaning" process may be accomplished in the following ways.

Automatic cleaning: When enabled, comments are cleaned according to settings on page load, and any new comments loaded afterwards are automatically targeted and removed.

Manual cleaning: Users may use buttons in the menu or hotkeys (alt+x, alt+z) to clean comments or restore previously cleaned comments according to settings. This manual option may be used with or without automatic cleaning enabled.


Install from Chrome Store


Notable Files


  • Loading preferences from chrome storage
  • Locating and hiding comments based on preferences
  • Hotkey functions
  • DOM observation for reacting to newly loaded comments


  • Slider, buttons, other inputs logic
  • Storing preferances to chrome storage
  • Message passing to content.js

interact.html + w3schools.css

  • popup window for extension
