
4 versions of a matrix program and write a driver to test 3 different operations with matrices. The matrix operations that you should include are Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication. The driver can be as simple as asking the user to enter two matrices and then presenting a simple menu that allows the user to select the operation they want to test. Have the menu in a loop so that the user can test any other operation unless they choose to exit the menu. Also, provide the user an option to select two new matrices. Make sure that the result of every operation is printed out after the operation is chosen. The matrices should hold float values, so please use float data types in all versions. Also, make sure that you do the check based on sizes of the matrices if the chosen operation is permissible on the two matrices entered by the user. The matrices can be entered by the user by first entering the size of each matrix followed by the element. Alternatively, you can also provide the user the option of reading both matrices from a simple text file, where the first line is the size of the matrix and then followed by the elements of the matrix.

Primary LanguageC++
