Universal Reddit Scraper - A comprehensive Reddit scraping/archival command-line tool.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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Universal Reddit Scraper - A comprehensive Reddit scraping command-line tool written in Python.

GitHub Workflow Status (Python) GitHub Workflow Status (Rust) Codecov GitHub release (latest by date) Total lines License


[-t [<optional_date>]]

[-r <subreddit> <(h|n|c|t|r|s)> <n_results_or_keywords> [<optional_time_filter>]]
[-u <redditor> <n_results>]
[-c <submission_url> <n_results>]

[-lr <subreddit>]
[-lu <redditor>]


[-f <file_path>]
[-wc <file_path> [<optional_export_format>]]

Table of Contents


Whether you are using URS for enterprise or personal use, I am very interested in hearing about your use case and how it has helped you achieve a goal. Additionally, please send me an email if you would like to contribute, have questions, or want to share something you have built on top of it.

You can send me an email by clicking on the badge. I look forward to hearing from you!



This is a comprehensive Reddit scraping tool that integrates multiple features:

  • Scrape Reddit via PRAW (the official Python Reddit API Wrapper)
    • Scrape Subreddits
    • Scrape Redditors
    • Scrape submission comments
  • Livestream Reddit via PRAW
    • Livestream comments submitted within Subreddits or by Redditors
    • Livestream submissions submitted within Subreddits or by Redditors
  • Analytical tools for scraped data
    • Generate frequencies for words that are found in submission titles, bodies, and/or comments
    • Generate a wordcloud from scrape results

"Where’s the Manual?"

This README has become too long to comfortably contain all usage information for this tool. Consequently, the information that used to be in this file has been moved to a separate manual created with mdBook, a Rust command-line tool for creating books from Markdown files.

Note: You can also find the link in the About sidebar in this repository.

Demo GIFs

Here are all the demo GIFs recorded for URS.

Note: The nd command is nomad, a modern tree alternative I wrote in Rust.

subreddit demo

redditor demo

submission comments demo

livestream subreddit demo

frequencies demo

wordcloud demo

check praw rate limits demo

display directory tree demo


This is a shout-out section for my patrons - thank you so much for sponsoring this project!