
Python Numpy Pandas Matplotlib

  • ⚡ Scikit-learn, PyTorch, TensorFlow, and other frameworks have made machine learning and deep learning modeling more accessible.

  • 💔 However, for beginners, using these frameworks often makes it difficult to deepen their understanding of the models.

  • 💡 This project implements a series of common algorithms using some basic tools instead of mature framework, serving both as a record of the author's daily learning and as a reference for beginners in the field.

  • 📕 The author is also a beginner and mistakes are inevitable.Feedback and discussions are welcome! 🌼

1. BP Neural Network

  • 2023/12/15: The final version of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been uploaded. It implements a BP neural network based on numpy and provides test cases. Furthermore, matrix-vector multiplication was used for optimization in sections involving multiple loops, effectively reducing the time complexity.

  • Run directly, you can see the test results as shown in the following figure.

    Test Results