
Create a parser for a ruby on rails project to be able to generate a typescript defentions file for the all endpoints of the API. In doing so be able to document the API fully as MCV will be modelled in parsing (model will be a bit harder).

Parsing TODO:

  • jbuilder and jb parser for views and linking views to the controller handle custom view rendering:
    • respond_to
    • template.render
    • check: is schema.rb a reliable source of truth to parse? as that will give us a good mapping for instance varaibles to use in the views
  • concerns and importing - i.e getting scoping working properly....
    • concern parsing...
      • configuration actions handling
      • error return statements that don't use a view e.g. json()
    • scoping
      • class super and self
      • plan of what do we do about models
      • instance varaibles
    • object inheritance so that we can understand what logic is overlapped on each other as such
    • method handling (scope: local, object inheritance, other??? - need to seriously consider other) [HARD ONE!!!]
      • params and instance varaibles


  • tracking instance varaibles and then mapping them to schema (either custom gem or parsing schema generated file to get info) making the properties match up
  • (potentail) detecting code changes - used for reporting
  • (done) does routes file match controllers, although this could already be a feature I would imagine in rails



  • parsing routes file (test.routes generated by doing bundle exec rails routes > test.routes)
  • controller and module parsing
    • params and beginnings of instance varaibles, config/actions
    • requires parsed properly (although just ignored atm)
  • mapping between controller.method and requests

Future goals

  • parse routes.rb literally in rust

rough plan notes:

  • ast
  • nodes kinda
    • routes - custom file
    • controllers - folder
      • concerns - in controllers
    • views
    • schema.rb
    • helpers/others - list of folders with files

rts controllers/ views/ routes --other helpers

  1. basic parse
  2. scope - rerun knowing what everything is as such
  3. controller mapped to views using models
  4. match to routes