Usage and Structure of continuous integration as configuration?

This repo is the corpus for the dissertation. Please note that some of the code is a bit messy although I did try to keep it reasonably clean while working on it.


Is in ./report/ and all the plots are stored in ./src/results/ and that is where they will be generated each time is run.

Most of the tables of data are automatically generated although there is one manual one which is stored in the report dir.

rough spread of projects in the corpus

rough spread of CI

language CI usage

language CI usage


The corpus of intial data won't fit on github file restrictions so I will link to a google drive. The result of running that data through the data parser script does fit so that is currently zipped in ./src/.

The comparison dataset is ./src/breadth_corpus.csv which was provided by Michael Hilton. The comparison is against Usage, costs, and benefits of continuous integration in open-source projects (


First create the virtual python enviroment

then inside the virtual enviroment run: pip install -r requirements.txt


Create .env file with token inside named GITHUB_TOKEN stores the configuration of what files are searched for when scraping

python to create the data

processing data

Run python with the .env setup to CHECK and then RENDER to create all the things

Or you can run (combines all the csv files into and removes duplicates) and then (creates a csv of all the projects that have CI and parses the CI configuration for various pieces of data) manually if you want not use

rendering will generate the plots for the paper although they are currently already stored in ./src/results/


There are a few unit tests for the script in particular and they can be run with the default python unit test way: python -m unittest.