
C++ set of solutions to the renowned Cryptopals Crypto Challenges on https://cryptopals.com

Primary LanguageC++


C++ set of solutions to the renowned Cryptopals Crypto Challenges on https://cryptopals.com


This project uses make to build. So to run, just type make in the shell.

If you want to create an executable bundled with stdlib (to increase portability) you can run make bin/dist/yourbinary


Tests are organized to replicate the sets/challenges structure but also includes edge cases/error testing.

Easy testing with make test for verbose test building and running with timings.

Folder structure

|-- apps/
|    | # Executable files
|    | # Each file here will generate a correspondent exec file in bin/
|-- bin/
|    | # Compiled binaries
|-- include/
|    | # Header files
|-- src/
|    | # Class files
|-- test/
|    |-- main.cpp # Main Catch test executable
|    | # Test files
|-- Makefile
|-- README.md
+-- run_tests