

A hotel is a hive of numerous operations such as front office, booking, and reservation, inventory, material management, quality management, security, energy management, housekeeping, CRM and more.

A hotel can be apart of different Hotel Chains. A hotel chain my have multiple hotels. A hotel has multiple rooms and floors, and these rooms can be of different types. By room type, each room has the different price and description. A hotel has some employees to manage the services provided to customers. The customer can book the room either online or by cash payment at the hotel.

The guest record is stored in hotel database which contains customer identity, his address, check in time, check out time, etc.

Important information


Hotel Chain Name

Hotel Name

Hotel URL

Hotel Characteristics (Description)

A Hotel must have one and only one STAR_RATING

Each star rating has an image


A Hotel can have one and only one ADDRESS.

Track guests based on their name, address, city

Track bookings based on dates, booking type, and room count

Designate Room Types with a standard rate, room description, and if smoking is allowed

There will be room rate periods to give discounts at various times of the year (e.g. Jan to March, July to Aug, Sept to Dec)


How many distinct guest have made bookings for a particular month?

How many available rooms are in a particular hotel for a given date?

How many hotels are in a hotel chain?

How many books has a customer made in one year?

How many rooms are booked in a particular hotel on a given date?

List all the unique countries hotels are located in.

How many rooms are available in a given hotel?

List all the hotels that have a URL available.

List the rate for a room at a given time during the year.