Arrow Function Discussion Questions

Learning Goals

  • Recognize different types of function syntax


Arrow functions are a cool new feature of ES6. They introduce a different syntax and carry slightly different behavior than function expressions.

Take a look at the following code examples and return values with your table partners. Without looking anything up, see if you can deduce the differences and similarities in how arrow functions behave.


Arrow Function Shortcuts

const playMusic = function (music) {
  return "Playing some " + music;
playMusic("Jazz"); // "Playing some Jazz"
const playMusic = (music) => {
  return "Playing some " + music;
playMusic("Jazz"); // "Playing some Jazz"
const playMusic = (music) => {
  "Playing some " + music;
playMusic("Jazz"); // undefined
const playMusic = (music) => "Playing some " + music;
playMusic("Jazz"); // "Playing some Jazz"
const playMusic = music => "Playing some " + music;
playMusic("Jazz"); // "Playing some Jazz"
const readBooks = (book1, book2) => {
  return `I read '${book1}' and '${book2}'`;
readBooks("The Old Man and the Sea", "1984"); // "I read 'The Old Man and the Sea' and '1984'"
const readBooks = (book1, book2) => `I read '${book1}' and '${book2}'`;
readBooks("The Old Man and the Sea", "1984"); // "I read 'The Old Man and the Sea' and '1984'"
const readBooks = book1, book2 =>  `I read '${book1}' and '${book2}'` // Syntax Error