
Author :

  1. Mugo Joseph Wamiti
  2. Evans Mogeni

Project Description

Our tap-and-go payment system reduces cash reliance, enhances security, and improves convenience for passengers. It integrates seamlessly across multiple transport modes, provides real-time analytics, and ensures accessibility for all users.

Future plans

  1. Implement a referral system
  2. Introduce a subscription model
  3. Enhance the payment system to support tap-and-go functionality
  4. Allow clients to create multiple wallets
  5. Provide advanced real-time analytics
  6. Launch loyalty and rewards programs
  7. Expand intermodal integration

SetUp Instruction


Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Install dependencies: npm install.
  3. Start the frontend: npx expo start.

Technologies Used

  1. React Native
  2. Typescript
  3. Nativewind

Contact Information

  • Email :