
This program determines if a given number is a power of 2. A number n is a power of 2 if it meets the following condition: n = 2^m where m is another integer number. E.g 4 = 2^2 or 16 = 2^4 are power of 2 numbers while 24 is not.

This program must print true if the given number is a power of 2, otherwise it has to print false.


This part contains instructions on how to make use of the program.


To use this program, you need to have the latest version of Go installed in your system. After cloning the projects repository, execute the following command in your terminal to launch the server.

go run main.go 

Next open your browser and type the following address :


Enter the number in the textbox and click check button to check if the number is a power of two.

