
Create a basic node application using npm init. Add an app.js file. This is your entry point. Install express using npm install express --save.

Set up a basic route to serve an index.html file on the route /. Also set up basic file serving using express.static using a folder called "static". Put a client side JavaScript file named scripts.js in your static folder and a style sheet named styles.css. Add a script tag referencing your script your index.html file. Also add a link to your style sheet.

Next, make a folder called "modules". Copy your three module files from the prime_peer_nd_00 assignment into this folder and require them in your app.js file.

Set up a new route on "/balance" that will use the required files to send a random account balance to the client. Use $.ajax to display this on the page.

Add a button that will get a make a new Ajax call to the server, and display the new random balance on the page.


Style things pretty using your css file.


Also animate the data on the page using jquery animate libraries!