- 1
Add Granted By
#655 opened by masterbater - 1
Has there been any updates made to granting a role for a specific model?
#659 opened by LeydianeAlves - 1
Disallow not working
#662 opened by Autoflow - 1
Problems with ownership and @can
#661 opened by Autoflow - 0
Unabel to assign roles using Tinker or Tinkerwell
#657 opened by krismanning - 0
- 4
Permission on belongToMany relation of entity
#651 opened by mix359 - 0
UUID guide please
#654 opened by masterbater - 0
enforceMorphMap support
#652 opened by llamorinlabs - 0
- 5
scope is not reset between tests
#643 opened by comhon-project - 1
How to get owns and check is owned
#648 opened by bilginnet - 1
- 1
- 7
Columns 'restricted_to_id' and 'restricted_to_type', 'options' - can they be safely deleted?
#613 opened by ievgen-klymenko-uvoteam - 12
- 0
Adjust connection for can() gate
#646 opened by ChrisToxz - 0
Fine grade check delete ability
#645 opened by obrunsmann - 1
Check if a role owns a model
#612 opened by obrunsmann - 2
Get all users with all their roles
#642 opened by FunctionDJ - 8
Migration issues using Multitenancy System
#641 opened by undjike - 3
error foreign keys with Planetscale
#635 opened by 0528Makoto - 1
No migrations when upgrading from 1.0.0-rc.3
#632 opened by yuvii - 5
How To Add / Remove Roles Temporarily (for current request only) ?
#636 opened by ievgen-klymenko-uvoteam - 1
[HELP] Extend Ability
#637 opened by abkrim - 2
- 1
setup with filament not working
#631 opened by ankorinek - 2
Get Direct Abilities - Not via Roles
#630 opened by Aniket-IN - 3
Get Model Where User Has PermissionX
#622 opened by SMPEJake - 3
Cache performance inefficent
#600 opened by garygreen - 2
Bouncer::role() return empty array
#627 opened by oksim14 - 2
Ability Cast Blocks UUID on 'entity_id'
#626 opened by SMPEJake - 1
Frontend - Check if user can own a model
#624 opened by ke-helle - 1
- 2
- 4
How can I get abilities assigned to a role and abilities directly assigned to a user (not via roles)
#617 opened by undjike - 0
Expiration date for assigned roles
#616 opened by canteroaa - 1
Batch allow/disallow
#615 opened by robertoperez-digital - 1
Feature test: After calling an endpoint with json(MEHTOD, URL) that sets an ability, user->can doesn't work
#614 opened by robertoperez-digital - 1
Disallow Everyone not working as expected
#611 opened by undjike - 13
OwnedVia does not work
#597 opened by Dennise89 - 2
Problem with custom ability model
#610 opened by robertoperez-digital - 1
uuid for permissions table
#609 opened by faridanthony - 2
Unexpected scoping behavior
#607 opened by grantholle - 2
Multiple Database Connection
#606 opened by asyraf-loop - 2
Teams Permissions
#605 opened by luchtech - 2
Super bummed to see levels removed
#604 opened by devinfd - 1
- 2
Owning A Model
#601 opened by mojosef - 1
Bouncer::can does not work at all
#598 opened by ZGrills