
POC for modification of built venvs

Primary LanguageShell

venv injection

This repo contains a POC confirming my hypothesis that you can inject/overwrite dependencies in python venvs. Obviously this already requires a significant level of access, but could be used as part of a longer term or more tailored campaign.


An attacker with local access can overwrite dependencies in site-packages. When those dependencies are imported in user environments/scripts, they modified code will be used with no indicator to the user.

In this example, I added print("Joe was here") to pandas.read_csv(), but obviously you're only really limited by your imagination.


  • make_bad.sh is the construction of the malicious dependency that we want to inject into the user's context. It calls add_code.sh to modify pandas.
  • make_clean.sh represents the user creating their virtual environment with a standard pip install pandas.
  • exploit.sh is the overwriting of the user-installed pandas with our tampered version.
  • test.py takes the place of the user's application code that you're attacking.

You should be able to run this with the provided Dockerfile. If docker run yields "Joe was here", the overwrite was successful.

I went with a complete directory swap instead of an in-place modification for cases where the code you're injecting relies on some kind of compiled objects, but in-place modification could also work for simple changes to simple libraries.