
🥁 Create and share drum patterns and sequences in the browser!

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


🥁 Create and share drum patterns and sequences in the browser! https://focused-galileo-7aaf5d.netlify.com

Promotional screenshot of Cadence app

This project is part of #CreateWeekly, my attempt to create something new publicly every week in 2020.


Cadence allows you to:

  • Create 16-note drum patterns using 8 drum instruments: Ride, Open Hat, Closed Hat, Rim, Clap, Snare, Tom and Kick
  • Set the beat tempo anywhere between 30bpm and 240bpm
  • Save multiple beats locally in your browser
  • Easily share your beats with others using a unique URL

Cadence uses Tone.js to access the Web Audio API.


  • Add other samples for different drum sounds
  • Add playback progress indicator (playhead)


See contribution guide.
