
👇🏾 Drag a link from the browser unto your desktop to download.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Drag to download

👇🏾 A browser extension that allows you to drag a link from the browser unto your desktop to download.

Animated GIF demonstrating Drag to download

How to use

Install and setup

  • Install the extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/drag-to-download/nlbdfajoolkacbicncknldfoikncjdhb.
  • Visit each domain you want to enable the extension on, click the extension icon in the browser toolbar, then click Enable Drag to download on this domain.
  • The browser will prompt you to give the extension permission to access the domain and reload the page. After you accept and reload, you should be able to drag and drop links to download.

Remove from a domain

To remove the extension from a domain, visit the domain, click the extension icon, and then uncheck Enable Drag to download on this domain.


Uses a little-known drag-and-drop feature in Chrome as described in this article. Unfortunately this feature works only in Chrome (tested on Windows).

When a dragstart event is triggered on a link, we attach a DownloadURL property to the event's dataTransfer property. This property's value is of the form mime_type:file_name:absolute_url:

  • omit the mime type (for the browser to determine)
  • compute the file name from the link's download property, href, or inner text
  • compute the download URL by converting the link's href to an absolute URL

In code, this looks like the following (simplified):

linkElement.addEventListener('dragstart', function(e) {
  const { file, url } = getDownloadUrlProperty(e.currentTarget);
  e.dataTransfer.setData('DownloadURL', `:${file}:${url}`);


See contribution guide.
