
Primary LanguagePython


Python application to solve Sudoku puzzle and overlays solution on to real image in real-time.

This project is solely inspired from AnhMinhTran's Youtube Video.

🧠 Algorithim Used

In general Sudoku is solved using Backtracking approach

TheGreedy Best First Search approach (An optimised version of Naive Back Tracking method) was used ie; Chooses a cell with least number of possibilities to search next.

🏃‍♂️ How to Run!!

Step-1: Install all required libraries in requirements.txt or directly run pip install -r requirements.txt
Step-2: Run main.py in the terminal using python3 main.py.
Step-3: Nothing else, just get your Sudoku puzzle in front of your camera and solutions will be relayed over their respective positions.
Step-4: To stop the camera, click 'Q' on keyboard.

📑 Step By Step Explanation

What's happening Image
Step-1: Reading image from real-time input or a video or an image.
Step-2: Convert input image to black and white. Apply threshold to remove unwanted noise.
Step-3: Get boundry of largest contour ie: outline of sudoku matrix.
Step-4: In each cell of sudoku matrix, detect if any number is there or not by finding contours.
Step-5: Predict those detected numbers
Step-6: Input the predicted numbers into Sudoku Solving algorithm and get the output.
Step-7: Overlay the corresponding calculated results on to live image/video.

✍ Note

I used a trained model digitrecognition.h5 to predict the detected digits in the image .

📝 References


For solving sudoku: https://norvig.com/sudoku.html
Tech With Tim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK4N8E6uNr4


Sudoku extraction from image: https://medium.com/@neshpatel/solving-sudoku-part-ii-9a7019d196a2 (with python code)
Solving Sudoku Part1: https://medium.com/@neshpatel/solving-sudoku-part-i-7c4bb3097aa7
Solving Sudoku Part2: https://medium.com/@neshpatel/solving-sudoku-part-ii-9a7019d196a2


Code Reference:


Taha Emara: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5F8FteU3OY

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