You are building a see-saw simulator that emulates two individuals that weigh the same going up-and-down. On one end you have person A, Fred. Whenever he pushes up, he creates an effective upward velocity of 1 ft/sec. On the other end you have person B, Wilma. Whenever she pushes up she creates an effective upward velocity of 1.5 ft/sec. Whenever, person A or B comes within 1 ft of the ground they will push back up causing the opposing person to come down. The maximum height any person will go is 7 feet. Using two threads and two semaphores, write a simulator that emulates these conditions
You are building a see-saw simulator that emulates two individuals that weigh the same going up-and-down. On one end you have person A, Fred. Whenever he pushes up, he creates an effective upward velocity of 1 ft/sec. On the other end you have person B, Wilma. Whenever she pushes up she creates an effective upward velocity of 1.5 ft/sec. Whenever, person A or B comes within 1 ft of the ground they will push back up causing the opposing person to come down. The maximum height any person will go is 7 feet. Using two threads and two semaphores, write a simulator that emulates these conditions