- Backend for team Carbdashian of Mobile Apps and Services at Georgia Tech
- Repo: https://github.com/josh-mcfarlin/carbdash-server
- Authors:
- Joshua McFarlin
- Vidushi Jain
- Lauren Tapp
- Devin Raun
- Deployment to AWS using Serverless
- Typing with Typescript
- Testing with Jest
- Linting with ESLint
- Formatting with Prettier
- Linting, typechecking, and formatting on commits using husky
- Clone this repo on your local machine by entering the following command in terminal:
git clone https://github.com/josh-mcfarlin/carbdash-server
- Navigate to this project in terminal and enter
npm install
- Setup the project using the instructions above
- Then enter one of the following commands in terminal:
npm install
npm run run-local
# or
yarn run-local