
Supervisor management is a spring boot and react js based web application. In this application manager or admine can send the notification to particular supervisor and this is a one page appliation.

For easy way to running this application we need to install docker in our system.

docker install in windows reference docker install in linux reference

Backend :

    - Spring boot app with latest spring version 2.7.1 and jdk version 1.8.
    - This application Run on http://localhost:8181/
    - There are two rest endpoint present in this app [/api/supervisors, /api/submit].
    - Added proper validation like 
          - Numeric jurisdictions should be removed from the response.
          - The format of the supervisors returned must be displayed in the following format “<jurisdiction> - <lastName>, <firstName>”
          - If the request omits the first name, last name, or supervisor field then the  endpoint needs to return an error response with an appropriate message.
          - Name fields are required and must only contain letters, no numbers.
          - Standard validation against phone number and/or email must be applied.
          - Any invalid requests must send back an error response.
    - For backed service create Docker image [docker build -t supervisor-management .]

UI :

    - React js app with latest react version 18.2.0.
    - This application Run on http://localhost:3000/
    - For API managment I have used to axios,For UI managment used to reactstrap and bootstrap.
    - Added proper validation like show tost message if some mandetory filed is null or empty  and manage proper state.
    - For UI create Docker image [docker build -t supervisor-ui .]

Below step follow and run application with docker.

  • Clone project using git command.
  • Open terminal or cmd then after go to supervisor-managment directory.
  • First create the build using given command: [mvn clean install]
  • Make docker build for backend using this command : [docker build -t supervisor-management .]
  • Same thing go to supervisor-management-ui directory.
  • Make docker build for UI using this command : [docker build -t supervisor-ui .]
  • Then after go to main directory(supervisor-management) where docker-compose.yml file is present and then execute a given command - [docker-compose up]