
A simple weather app that fetches weather data from OpenWeatherMap.com using their API and displays it.

Primary LanguageCSS


A simple weather app that fetches weather data from OpenWeatherMap.com using their API and displays it.

From The Odin Project's curriculum

Live Demo :shipit:

Project Requirements

  1. Set up a blank HTML document with the appropriate links to your JavaScript and CSS files.
  2. Write the functions that hit the API. You’re going to want functions that can take a location and return the weather data for that location. For now, just console.log() the information.
  3. Write the functions that process the JSON data you’re getting from the API and return an object with only the data you require for your app.
  4. Set up a simple form that will let users input their location and will fetch the weather info (still just console.log() it).
  5. Display the information on your webpage! Add any styling you like!
  6. Optional: add a ‘loading’ component that displays from the time the form is submitted until the information comes back from the API.

Getting Started

Installing and running

git clone https://github.com/JoshAubrey/weather-app.git
cd weather-app
open index.html with browser of choice

Built With

  • html
  • css
  • javascript
  • OpenWeatherMap API
  • normalize.css