Check the max size of the VBO
int maxVBOSize; glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDINGS, &maxVBOSize);
// Create a createBatch() method // The Batch class will contain a class called InstanceManager // InstanceManager will be passed into model so you can create a new instance of a model from a model // InstanceManager will contain a DynamicBuffer for vertex buffers // DynamicBuffer will resize a buffer if there is not enough space // If DynamicBuffer hits the max buffer size, Batch will create a new DynamicBuffer to hold the spillover // Batch will keep track of what model, where the instances are stored, etc // DynamicBuffer, may want to implement double buffering / triple buffering Batch *batch = engine.createBatch();
// batch can add a model to the batch Model *model = batch->addModel("/path/to/model")
// From a model you can create an instance. // Save the pointer to the instance to update it's // transforms. // Also add a way to reserver memory for x amount of instances model.reserve(100); Instance *instance = model.createInstance(); instance.position.x = 0.0f; instance.position.y = 0.0f;
#TODO Read raylib