FHIR Go-Curamatic-Processor Application

The FHIR Go-Curamatic-Processor Application is designed to periodically fetch, validate, and ingest FHIR files from a specified source into a relational database. This application is built with Go and utilizes Docker for easy setup and deployment.


To run this application, you will need:

  • Docker: For creating and managing the application and database containers.
  • Docker Compose: For orchestrating multi-container Docker applications.
  • Make (optional): For simplifying Docker and Docker Compose commands with a Makefile.

Setup Instructions

1. Install Docker and Docker Compose

2. Install Make (Optional)

  • Linux: Usually pre-installed. If not, you can install it using your distribution's package manager, for example, sudo apt-get install make on Debian/Ubuntu.
  • Mac: Comes pre-installed with Command Line Tools for Xcode. To install Command Line Tools, run xcode-select --install in the terminal.
  • Windows: You can install Make through various packages like Chocolatey (choco install make) or Cygwin.

3. Clone the Project

Clone the project repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/JoshCrosby/go-curamatic-processor
cd go-curamatic-processor

4. Build and Run the Application

Using Docker Compose directly:

  • Build the application: docker-compose build
  • Start the application: docker-compose up -d
  • Stop the application: docker-compose down

Using the Makefile commands:

  • Build the application: make build
  • Start the application: make up
  • Stop the application: make down
  • View logs: make logs

Additional Commands

  • Rebuild and restart the application: make rebuild
  • Access the application container (bash): make exec-bash
  • Clean up Docker volumes (removes all data): make clean

Note: If you have not installed Make, you can run the Docker Compose commands listed in the Makefile directly.


For support, please contact Josh Crosby joshdcrosby@gmail.com or open an issue in the project repository.