
Primary LanguageTypeScript

NativeScript Plugin for Nx

License NPM Version

Table of Contents

Getting started

Create a new Nx workspace:

npx create-nx-workspace --cli=nx --preset=empty

Install NativeScript plugin

# Using npm
npm install --save-dev @nativescript/nx

# Using yarn
yarn add -D @nativescript/nx

Create an app

npx nx g @nativescript/nx:app <app-name> [...options]

This will generate:


The NativeScript Nx plugin will prefix apps by default to help distinguish them against other apps in your workspace for clarity.

--framework [angular]

By default a "vanilla" NativeScript app will be generated using xml view files. Use this option to create a specific frontend framework integration app.


If you prefer you can also provide a flag to suffix instead:

npx nx g @nativescript/nx:app <app-name> --groupByName

This will generate:


Develop on simulators and devices


npx nx run <app-name>:android

iOS: (Mac only)

npx nx run <app-name>:ios

Release build


npx nx run <app-name>:android:build

iOS: (Mac only)

npx nx run <app-name>:ios:build

Test/lint the app

npx nx run <app-name>:test
npx nx run <app-name>:lint

Create NativeScript library

You can create a library of NativeScript components or plugins or whatever you'd like.

npx nx g @nativescript/nx:lib buttons

This will generate a nativescript-buttons library where you could build out an entire suite of button behaviors and styles for your NativeScript apps.

import { PrimaryButton } from '@myorg/nativescript-buttons';

The NativeScript Nx plugin will prefix libraries by default to help distinguish them against other apps and libraries in your workspace for clarity.


If you prefer you can also provide a flag to suffix instead:

npx nx g @nativescript/nx:lib buttons --groupByName

Which would generate a buttons-nativescript library.

import { PrimaryButton } from '@myorg/buttons-nativescript';