Python Programming: Flask

This assignment was adapted from this homework from GA's Python Part-Time course.

Flask: Practice Problems

In this homework, you're going to write code for a few problems.

You will practice these programming concepts we've covered in class:

  • Rendering templates
  • Passing variables to templates
  • Creating an API (sending JSON)
  • Making GET routes


For this assignment you will be creating ONE Flask app. Each problem listed below will direct you to create a route or feature within that app.

Reminder: On your laptop, you can run your server from your command line with the following command:

flask run

Hint: After finish writing code for each problem, launch your server, go into your browser, and be sure that your Flask app is outputting the intended data.


  • By the end of this, you should have ONE Flask app that meets the following criteria:
GET / Render a home page that sends the string "Hello World"
GET /greeting Pass a name variable to a template that renders a personalized greeting
GET /pie Return a JSON object that contains a key-value pair

Problem 1: Hello World

Skill You're Practicing: Creating a Flask app from scratch

Set up a Flask app skeleton. This will include making a python server file - this will be named something like should include the following:

  • Import Flask
  • Declare your app variable
  • Make your home page route (Hint: Use @app.route())
  • Return the string "Hello World"

At this point, run your app with flask run and see what happens!

HINT: You may want to set some environment variables such as FLASK_APP and FLASK_ENV.

If you ran into an error when running your app, try setting these variables via the command line:

export FLASK_ENV=development

Problem 2: Render Like Rembrandt

Skill You're Practicing: Using templates to render Python

Create a new route in your Flask app that renders an HTML template that can be accessed at the url /greeting. In the template, display a greeting and a name variable (don't forget to pass the template the argument!). Look up the render_template function to get started. You will need to create a templates folder and an index.html file inside that templates folder in order for the code to work.

Starter Code

render_template('index.html', name='Akilah')

Example Output (In-Browser)

"Hi there Akilah. It's great to see you today!"

Hint 1:

Remember: In templates, to render a variable's value, use the double brackets {{}}.

Hint 2:

Don't forget to import the module render_template from Flask.


Your directory should now look like:

│   └─── index.html
│   └───style.css

Problem 3: All I See is Static

Skill You're Practicing: Serving Static Files

Create a static folder in the top-level of your project directory. This is where files like CSS, images, audio, and front-end JavaScript live. Inside your static folder, create a file called style.css.

In your style.css file, add some styling to change the color of your text to green (or any color other than the default!). Last, add a link tag in your index.html template to /static/style.css. Unlike some other languages, "static" is part of the url path.

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/static/style.css">

Go check your browser to see if your changes took effect.

Note: You may have to do a hard reload (Mac Shortcut: Command + Shift + R)

Hint: If it didn't work...

If you did a hard reload and restarted the server and you still don't see your CSS changes, open the "Network" tab in your developer tools. Do a page refresh. In the list that comes up, do you see style.css? If it is in red and the status is anything other than 200 something, you may have written the wrong path in your link tag or perhaps forgotten to add the link tag!


Your directory should now look like:

│   └─── index.html
│   └───style.css

Problem 4: A Detective, A PI

Skill You're Practicing: Creating an API

Write a new route in your Flask app that can be accessed via a GET request to /pie and returns a JSON object of one of the items in a list. Make your JSON object with the jsonify function. Create your own ingredients list with at least 3 items, which should be strings.

Starter Code

return jsonify({'pie ingredient': ingredients[0]})

Example Output

{'pie ingredient': 'apples'}


Make which ingredient you return each time selected at random.


Remember to import jsonify!

Bonus: The POST Man Deliverth

Skill You're Practicing: POST routes

Easy breezy? Flask is nice! If you finished this assignment in less than an hour, please attempt the following bonus routes:

GET /recipe Render a template that shows the name of a pie, all ingredients, and a new ingredient form
POST /recipe The form from the GET page sends a new ingredient. Add this to your ingredients list then redirect back to /recipe

Hint: Keep ingredients as a global variable that you declare outside of any particular route.

Starter Code

return redirect('/recipe')

Hint 1:

Remember to import the redirect module.

Hint 2:

You can access the method (the HTTP verb) via request.method.

Hint 3:

You can access the form data passed to your route according to the "name" property you put on your HTML input tag. For example, if you named your input "ingredient", you can access the value like so:

new_ingredient = request.form["ingredient"]

That's It!

Have a RESTful evening!