
Primary LanguageJavaScript


by AJRJ29

MyAnime app allows users to find their favorite anime in the app. Users can search for an anime, and then the app will display the list of anime names. Users can view information about the anime once they click the anime name. Users can also make a profile and save the anime for future reference.

See it live: https://seir-auth.herokuapp.com/

1. Project Planning


  1. Search anime
  2. Click an anime and show anime details
  3. Bookmark an anime
  4. Have a comment section
  5. Styling

Stretch Goals

  1. Allows users to have a profile picture
  2. More Styling
  3. Have Popular anime in the home page

Table: Users

Column Type
Email String
Name String
Password String
Image String

Table: Anime

Column Type
Name String
UserId String

Table: UsersAnime

Column Type
UserID Integer
AnimalID Integer

Table: Comments

Column Type
Name String
Content Text
AnimeId String



/ - show the homepage

/auth/register - show a form to make a new account

/auth/login - show a form to log in

/auth/logout - log the user out and redirect to home

/profile - show a user's profile

/anime/ - search an anime

/anime/:name - show anime details


/auth/register - create a user in the database

/auth/login - use passport to authenticate the user

/anime - bookmark an anime to profile

/comment/:id - create a comment


/anime:name - delete a bookmark


2. Technologies Used

Node Modules Axios, BCrypt, Flash, Dotenv, EJS, Express, Express EJS Layouts, Express Sessions, Helmet, Method Override, Morgan, Nodemon, Passport, Sequelize.